Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Refuge; Our High Tower

I was sitting at home, worshipping, praying and pondering what a gift Jesus is.  The house was peaceful and the Christmas music was playing.
When suddenly came a noise, and a chase began throughout the house!  Little kitty Whitney was after my poor Glory Girl’s tail.  Whitney was chasing her throughout the house, batting at her tail, with her claws out as far as they could go, grabbing hold of her behind.
Glory was in a furry, yipping throughout the house.  Suddenly, Glory caught sight of me sitting on the couch.  And up she launched herself right onto my lap and she hide herself under my arm.  She nestled in deep.  She looked down at Whitney, with the look that said, “now what are you going to do, hum?”
I look at all moments as Divine, as I believe God is always speaking.  So, I started listening to the Lord.  And I started giggling as the Lord began to talk to me about spiritual focus, gazing, and resting.  He started reminding me of all the times in the midst of circumstances, spiritual warfare, or while dealing with my grace growers, how I can whine and whimper just like poor Glory Girl, and how often I run through the room in a furry, rather than jumping into the lap of the One I love.
He is the One who is our a high tower, our refuge, our keeper (Psalm 91). 
As Glory nestled under my arms, I was reminded of God’s full acceptance and loving embrace. That even while we freak out over circumstances, His voice, His gaze draws us back into His arms.  How he loves to hold us in every moment of every day.  He is there, we just need to discipline our spirits to catch sight of Him.
There is always a lap that is wide open.  His protection is always available.
Funny kitty.  I can’t help but giggle as I watch Whitney.  She spent the next few minutes looking for another dog to torture. Ultimately, she launched herself once again into the Christmas tree, in search of some dangling ornaments.